75% of proceeds going to the THREE RANGERS FOUNDATION
Providing experience, guidance, and vetted resources to current and veteran Rangers and their families in mentorship, networking, education, financial wellness, VA benefits, and holistic fitness and wellness.
We hold the Gold Star in the highest position and closest to our heart. It represents the respect we hold for our Gold Star families, and to honor the sacrifice of our brothers and sisters who have died serving this great Nation.
The Compass represents a true azimuth. We strive to keep on the right course; one that is legal, ethical, and moral, in all that we do. We are ultimately responsible for our own actions and must take full responsibility for them.
The Lightning Bolt defines taking action. As a foundation, we must seize an opportunity when it presents itself. We are an aggressive lot by nature, striking when conditions are right, and powerful when present.
The Parachute is representative of living and the pursuit of adventure. To throw oneself into the abyss and accept a challenge demonstrates our zeal for a truly remarkable life. One that has inherent risks, but worth every minute.